Entity Mapper is Deprecated in Spring Data Elasticsearch 4.1.15: What to Use Instead?
Image by Johar - hkhazo.biz.id

Entity Mapper is Deprecated in Spring Data Elasticsearch 4.1.15: What to Use Instead?

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Are you getting errors in your Elasticsearch configuration file because of the deprecated Entity Mapper in Spring Data Elasticsearch 4.1.15? Don’t worry; you’re not alone! In this article, we’ll guide you through the reasons behind the deprecation, what to use instead, and how to implement it correctly.

Why is Entity Mapper Deprecated?

Entity Mapper, a crucial component of Spring Data Elasticsearch, has been deprecated since version 4.1.15. The main reason behind this decision is to make way for more efficient and flexible data mapping mechanisms. Entity Mapper was responsible for mapping Java objects to Elasticsearch documents, but it had some limitations and performance issues.

The deprecation of Entity Mapper is a step towards a more modular and scalable approach to data mapping in Elasticsearch. This change allows developers to choose from a variety of mapping strategies, giving them more control over how their data is stored and retrieved.

What to Use Instead of Entity Mapper?

So, what’s the alternative to Entity Mapper? The answer is Elasticsearch’s built-in FieldMapper and Spring Data Elasticsearch’s MetaModel. Let’s break down what each does and how to use them.


FieldMapper is a part of Elasticsearch’s Java API, which provides a flexible way to map Java objects to Elasticsearch fields. It’s a more lightweight and efficient alternative to Entity Mapper.

To use FieldMapper, you need to create a custom implementation that maps your Java objects to Elasticsearch fields. This involves defining a mapping function that takes your Java object as input and returns a Map representation of the Elasticsearch document.

public class MyFieldMapper implements FieldMapper {
    public Map<String, Object> map(MyJavaObject obj) {
        Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();
        map.put("id", obj.getId());
        map.put("name", obj.getName());
        map.put("description", obj.getDescription());
        return map;


MetaModel is a part of Spring Data Elasticsearch that provides a metadata-driven approach to data mapping. It allows you to define metadata annotations on your Java objects, which are then used to generate the Elasticsearch mapping.

To use MetaModel, you need to annotate your Java objects with metadata annotations, such as @Document, @Id, and @Field. These annotations are then used to generate the Elasticsearch mapping.

@Document(indexName = "myindex")
public class MyJavaObject {
    private String id;
    @Field(type = FieldType.Text)
    private String name;
    @Field(type = FieldType.Text)
    private String description;
    // getters and setters

Implementing FieldMapper and MetaModel in Elasticsearch Config File

Now that we’ve discussed the alternatives to Entity Mapper, let’s see how to implement them in your Elasticsearch configuration file.

Configuring FieldMapper

To use FieldMapper in your Elasticsearch configuration file, you need to define a custom Mapper bean that references your custom FieldMapper implementation.

public Mapper myMapper() {
    return new MyFieldMapper();

You then need to configure the Mapper bean in your Elasticsearch configuration file:

    mapper: myMapper

Configuring MetaModel

To use MetaModel in your Elasticsearch configuration file, you need to enable metadata-driven mapping by setting the mapping-metadata property to true.

    mapping-metadata: true

You then need to define the metadata annotations on your Java objects, as shown earlier.

Best Practices and Troubleshooting Tips

When migrating from Entity Mapper to FieldMapper or MetaModel, keep the following best practices and troubleshooting tips in mind:

  • Use specific and descriptive names for your custom FieldMapper or MetaModel implementations to avoid conflicts.
  • Test your custom mapping implementations thoroughly to ensure they correctly map your Java objects to Elasticsearch fields.
  • Use Elasticsearch’s built-in mapping validation tools to check your mapping configurations.
  • Monitor your Elasticsearch cluster for any errors or performance issues after implementing the new mapping strategy.
  • Consult the official Spring Data Elasticsearch and Elasticsearch documentation for the latest information on data mapping and configuration.


In conclusion, the deprecation of Entity Mapper in Spring Data Elasticsearch 4.1.15 marks a significant change in the way we approach data mapping in Elasticsearch. By switching to FieldMapper or MetaModel, you can take advantage of more efficient and flexible data mapping mechanisms.

Remember to follow the best practices and troubleshooting tips outlined in this article to ensure a smooth transition to the new mapping strategies. With the right approach, you can unlock the full potential of Elasticsearch and take your data analysis to the next level.

Entity Mapper FieldMapper MetaModel
Deprecated in Spring Data Elasticsearch 4.1.15 Lightweight and efficient mapping mechanism Metadata-driven approach to data mapping
Limited flexibility and performance issues Requires custom implementation Easy to use and configure

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Q: What is the alternative to Entity Mapper in Spring Data Elasticsearch?

    A: The alternatives are FieldMapper and MetaModel.

  2. Q: What is FieldMapper?

    A: FieldMapper is a part of Elasticsearch’s Java API that provides a flexible way to map Java objects to Elasticsearch fields.

  3. Q: What is MetaModel?

    A: MetaModel is a part of Spring Data Elasticsearch that provides a metadata-driven approach to data mapping.

  4. Q: How do I configure FieldMapper in my Elasticsearch configuration file?

    A: You need to define a custom Mapper bean that references your custom FieldMapper implementation and configure it in your Elasticsearch configuration file.

  5. Q: How do I configure MetaModel in my Elasticsearch configuration file?

    A: You need to enable metadata-driven mapping by setting the mapping-metadata property to true and define metadata annotations on your Java objects.

Frequently Asked Question

If you’re struggling with the deprecation of Entity Mapper in Spring Data Elasticsearch 4.1.15, you’re not alone! Worry not, dear developer, for we’ve got the answers to your burning questions.

What’s the reason behind Entity Mapper’s deprecation in Spring Data Elasticsearch 4.1.15?

Entity Mapper is deprecated due to its limitations and maintenance issues. The Spring Data Elasticsearch team has decided to focus on more modern and efficient approaches, such as the `ElasticsearchMappingConverter` and `ElasticsearchConverter`.

What can I use instead of Entity Mapper in my Elasticsearch config file?

You can use the `ElasticsearchMappingConverter` or `ElasticsearchConverter` to map your entities to Elasticsearch documents. These converters provide more flexibility and customization options for your entity-to-document conversions.

How do I configure the ElasticsearchMappingConverter or ElasticsearchConverter in my application?

You can configure the converters using the `@Mapping` annotation on your entity classes or by defining a custom `ElasticsearchConverter` bean in your application configuration. Check out the Spring Data Elasticsearch documentation for more details on configuration options.

Will I need to make significant changes to my existing code to adapt to the new converters?

The good news is that the new converters are designed to be backward compatible with the Entity Mapper. You might need to make some adjustments to your code, but it should be a relatively smooth transition. Take a closer look at the Spring Data Elasticsearch documentation and migration guides for guidance.

Where can I find more information and resources on migrating from Entity Mapper to the new converters?

The Spring Data Elasticsearch documentation and GitHub repository are your go-to resources for migration guides, examples, and tutorials. You can also reach out to the Spring community and online forums for additional support and guidance.

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