The Ultimate Guide to Hiding Duplicate Rows in Interactive Grids: Unlocking the Power of the “Hide Duplicate Row” Option
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The Ultimate Guide to Hiding Duplicate Rows in Interactive Grids: Unlocking the Power of the “Hide Duplicate Row” Option

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Are you tired of dealing with duplicate rows in your interactive grids? Do you struggle to keep your data organized and easy to navigate? Look no further! In this article, we’ll dive into the world of interactive grids and explore the “hide duplicate row” option under row actions, specifically for disabled rows. Buckle up, folks, and get ready to take your data management skills to the next level!

What is an Interactive Grid?

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of hiding duplicate rows, let’s quickly cover the basics. An interactive grid is a powerful tool used in various applications, including Oracle APEX, to display and manipulate data in a tabular format. It’s called “interactive” because it allows users to perform various actions on the data, such as editing, filtering, and sorting, all within a single grid.

Why Do Duplicate Rows Appear in Interactive Grids?

Duplicate rows can appear in interactive grids for a variety of reasons, including:

  • Data entry errors: Human mistake can result in duplicate records being entered into the system.
  • Data import issues: When importing data from external sources, duplicates can be created unintentionally.
  • System glitches: Technical issues can cause duplicate records to be generated.

No matter the reason, dealing with duplicate rows can be frustrating and time-consuming. That’s where the “hide duplicate row” option comes in – a game-changer for data management and organization.

The “Hide Duplicate Row” Option: A Closer Look

So, what exactly is the “hide duplicate row” option, and how does it work? This powerful feature is tucked away under the row actions menu in your interactive grid. When enabled, it allows you to hide duplicate rows based on specific criteria, making it easier to focus on unique data.

How to Access the “Hide Duplicate Row” Option

To access the “hide duplicate row” option, follow these steps:

  1. Open your interactive grid and navigate to the row actions menu.
  2. Click on the three vertical dots at the end of the row to open the row actions dropdown.
  3. Scroll down to the “Row” section and click on the “Hide Duplicate Row” option.
  4. A popup window will appear, allowing you to select the criteria for hiding duplicate rows.

Configuring the “Hide Duplicate Row” Option

Now that you’ve accessed the “hide duplicate row” option, it’s time to configure it to suit your needs. You’ll be presented with a popup window containing the following options:

Option Description
Column Select the column(s) to use for identifying duplicate rows.
Matching Criteria Choose the matching criteria for duplicate rows, such as “Exact Match” or “Similar Match”.
Hide Mode Select whether to hide entire rows or just individual cells that contain duplicates.

Configure the options according to your specific needs, and click “Apply” to save your changes.

Benefits of Hiding Duplicate Rows

So, what are the benefits of hiding duplicate rows in your interactive grid? Here are just a few:

  • Improved Data Organization: Hiding duplicate rows makes it easier to navigate and analyze your data, reducing the risk of errors and inconsistencies.
  • Enhanced User Experience: By removing duplicate rows, you’re providing a cleaner and more intuitive interface for your users, making it easier for them to find the information they need.
  • Increased Productivity: With duplicate rows out of the way, you can focus on more important tasks, such as data analysis and decision-making.

Real-World Scenarios: When to Hide Duplicate Rows

Here are some real-world scenarios where hiding duplicate rows can be particularly useful:

Scenario 1: Managing Customer Data

Imagine you’re a customer service manager, responsible for managing a large customer database. Duplicate customer records can lead to confusion, errors, and poor customer service. By hiding duplicate rows, you can ensure that each customer has a unique record, making it easier to track interactions and provide personalized support.

Scenario 2: Tracking Inventory

Let’s say you’re a logistics manager, responsible for tracking inventory levels and managing orders. Duplicate rows in your inventory grid can lead to inaccurate stock levels, resulting in stockouts or overstocking. By hiding duplicate rows, you can maintain accurate inventory levels, reducing the risk of errors and improving overall efficiency.

Common Challenges and Solutions

While the “hide duplicate row” option is a powerful tool, you may encounter some challenges along the way. Here are some common issues and their solutions:

Challenge 1: Performance Issues

With large datasets, hiding duplicate rows can impact performance. To mitigate this, consider:

  • Optimizing your database queries
  • Using indexing to improve query performance
  • Implementing pagination to reduce the amount of data loaded at once

Challenge 2: Data Consistency

Hiding duplicate rows can sometimes lead to inconsistencies in your data. To address this, consider:

  • Implementing data validation rules to prevent duplicate entries
  • Using data scrubbing tools to clean and normalize your data
  • Regularly auditing your data for duplicates and inconsistencies


In conclusion, the “hide duplicate row” option under row actions in interactive grids is a powerful tool for managing and organizing your data. By following the instructions and guidelines outlined in this article, you can unlock the full potential of this feature and take your data management skills to the next level. Remember to configure the option according to your specific needs, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you encounter any challenges along the way. Happy grid-ing!

/* Sample Code */
    p_grid_name => 'MY_GRID',
    p_column_name => 'COLUMN_A',
    p_matching_criteria => 'EXACT_MATCH',
    p_hide_mode => 'HIDE_ENTIRE_ROW'

Note: The above code is a sample Apex code snippet that demonstrates how to call the hide_duplicate_rows procedure programmatically. Please adjust the parameters according to your specific needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Get answers to the most commonly asked questions about the “hide duplicate row option” under row actions of an interactive grid for disabled rows!

What is the purpose of the “hide duplicate row option” in an interactive grid?

The “hide duplicate row option” is a feature that allows users to remove duplicate rows from the interactive grid, providing a cleaner and more organized view of the data. This option is particularly useful when working with large datasets that contain duplicate entries.

Why do I need to disable rows before hiding duplicates in an interactive grid?

You need to disable rows before hiding duplicates because the “hide duplicate row option” only filters out duplicate rows that are currently visible in the grid. By disabling rows, you ensure that the duplicates are correctly identified and removed from the view, providing a more accurate representation of the data.

Can I hide duplicates in an interactive grid without disabling rows?

No, you cannot hide duplicates in an interactive grid without disabling rows. The “hide duplicate row option” is designed to work in conjunction with the row disabling feature, and attempting to use it without disabling rows may result in inaccurate or incomplete results.

How do I enable the “hide duplicate row option” in an interactive grid?

To enable the “hide duplicate row option” in an interactive grid, navigate to the grid’s settings, click on the “Row Actions” tab, and select the “Hide Duplicates” option. Make sure to disable the rows before applying this feature to get accurate results.

Are there any limitations to the “hide duplicate row option” in an interactive grid?

Yes, the “hide duplicate row option” has some limitations. For example, it may not work correctly if the grid contains a large number of duplicate rows or if the rows are heavily customized. Additionally, this feature may not be compatible with certain grid plugins or add-ons.

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