Is it possible to make a contentEditable div have a fixed height in React.js?
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Is it possible to make a contentEditable div have a fixed height in React.js?

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Ah, the eternal struggle of the React developer! You’ve got a contentEditable div, and you want it to behave. You want it to have a fixed height, so your users don’t get carried away with their typing frenzy. But, alas, the div has other plans. It grows and grows, like a digital weed, consuming all the space on your page. Fear not, dear developer! For we have some tricks up our sleeve to tame this beast.

The Problem with contentEditable

So, why does contentEditable behave like this? Well, by design, a contentEditable div is meant to expand to accommodate user input. This means that as the user types, the div will grow to fit the content. This is great for most use cases, but sometimes, you just want a fixed height, darn it!

Why Fixed Height Matters

  • Controlled layout: A fixed height ensures that your layout remains predictable and controlled, even when users get carried away with their typing.
  • Better user experience: By limiting the height, you can prevent the div from overwhelming the user with a massive wall of text.
  • SEO optimization: A fixed height can improve SEO by keeping your content concise and scannable.

The Solutions

Now that we’ve established the problem, let’s dive into the solutions! There are a few workarounds to achieve a fixed height contentEditable div in React. We’ll explore each one in detail.

Solution 1: Using CSS

    height: '200px',
    overflowY: 'auto',
  <p> Type away! </p>

In this solution, we use CSS to set a fixed height and overflowY to auto. This will create a scrollbar when the content exceeds the fixed height. Easy peasy!

Solution 2: Using JavaScript and the Selection API

import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';

const FixedHeightEditableDiv = () => {
  const [text, setText] = useState('');
  const [selection, setSelection] = useState(null);

  useEffect(() => {
    const div = document.getElementById('editable-div');
    div.addEventListener('input', () => {
      const { height } = div.getBoundingClientRect();
      if (height > 200) {
        const selection = window.getSelection();
        const text = div.innerText;
        const truncatedText = text.substring(0, text.length - 1);
        div.innerText = truncatedText;
        const range = document.createRange();
        range.setStart(div, text.length - 1);
  }, []);

  return (
      onInput={(e) => {
      <p>Type away!</p>

In this solution, we use JavaScript to detect when the div’s height exceeds the fixed height. When this happens, we truncate the text to fit within the fixed height and update the selection to maintain the cursor position.

Solution 3: Using a Third-Party Library

There are some amazing libraries out there that can help you achieve a fixed height contentEditable div. One popular option is react-contenteditable. This library provides an easy-to-use API for creating contentEditable components with customizable height and overflow options.

import React from 'react';
import { ContentEditable } from 'react-contenteditable';

const FixedHeightEditableDiv = () => {
  return (
      html="<p>Type away!</p>"
      onChange={(html) => console.log(html)}

With this library, you can easily set a fixed height and enjoy the benefits of a controlled layout.


There you have it, folks! We’ve explored three solutions to make a contentEditable div have a fixed height in React. Whether you prefer a CSS-based solution, a JavaScript-based solution, or a third-party library, there’s an approach that’s right for you.

Remember, when working with contentEditable divs, it’s essential to consider the user experience and the layout of your application. By using one of these solutions, you can create a more controlled and predictable experience for your users.

Solution Pros Cons
CSS Solution Easiest to implement, works well for simple use cases Limited flexibility, may not work for complex layouts
JavaScript Solution Highly customizable, works well for complex layouts More complex to implement, may require additional debugging
Third-Party Library Solution Easy to use, highly customizable, and well-maintained Adds an additional dependency to your project

So, which solution will you choose? The world is waiting for your next React application!

This article is optimized for the keyword “Is it possible to make a contentEditable div have a fixed height in React.js?” and is intended to provide clear and direct instructions for developers seeking a solution to this common problem.

Frequently Asked Question

Struggling to keep your contentEditable div in check? Wondering if you can tame its height once and for all? You’re not alone! Here are some answers to get you started:

Can I use a fixed height with contentEditable div in React.js?

Yes, you can! One way to do this is by using the `max-height` property and setting `overflow-y` to `auto` or `hidden`. This will allow the div to expand up to the specified height, but no further.

What if I want the div to have a fixed height, but still be resizable by the user?

In that case, you can use the `resize` property and set it to `vertical`. This will allow the user to resize the div vertically, but you can still set a fixed height as the initial value. Just be sure to add a `min-height` property to ensure the div doesn’t collapse.

How do I prevent the div from growing beyond its fixed height?

One trick is to use the `overflow-y` property and set it to `hidden`. This will prevent the div from growing beyond its fixed height, and any excess content will be hidden from view. Just be sure to add some padding to the div to ensure the user can still scroll to the end of the content.

What about using a library like Draft.js or Slate.js to manage my contentEditable div?

Those libraries are great for managing rich text editing experiences! In that case, you can use their built-in features to set a fixed height for your contentEditable div. For example, in Draft.js, you can use the `editorHeight` prop to set a fixed height for the editor.

Are there any caveats to using a fixed height with contentEditable div in React.js?

One thing to watch out for is that using a fixed height can lead to issues with accessibility, especially for users who rely on screen readers. Be sure to test your implementation thoroughly to ensure it meets accessibility standards. Additionally, fixed heights can sometimes lead to strange rendering behaviors, so be prepared to troubleshoot those as well.

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